Whitaker Guide: Sources

The land acknowledgement used in this guide was adapted from “Leading with Tradition,” a publication from the Portland Indian Leaders Roundtable, and supplemented with research from the Native American Youth and Family Center. To take concrete steps to support Native communities in Portland and beyond, read the Beyond Land Acknowledgement Guide from NativeGov.org and make your own support plan.

Sources Used:

Website of the City of Portland, OR (Portland.gov):

Columbia Slough Watershed Council:

Native American Youth and Family Center:

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality:

Jim Pojar and Andy Mackinnon, Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast

Edward C. Jensen, Trees to Know in Oregon and Washington

City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services, “Help Stop Invasive Plants” brochure

City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services, “GardenSmart Oregon: A Guide to Non-invasive Plants” booklet

Portland State University Educational Leadership & Policy Department, ”Flora Adventures at Whitaker Ponds” (PDF)

King County, “King County Noxious Weed Alert: Field Bindweed” (PDF)

Audubon Society of Portland, “Guide to Portland Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species”

Audubon Society, “Pacific Flyway: Conservation the Length of the Americas”

eBird, “Whitaker Ponds Nature Park”

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, “Turtles”

Oregon Zoo, “Western Painted Turtle”

“Oregon Native Turtles” ID Flyer (PDF) from Sandy River Watershed Council, Oregon Wildlife Foundation, Oregon Fish and Wildlife, The Oregon Conservation Strategy, the Oregon Native Turtle Working Group, and the Oregon Zoo.

AllTrails, “Whitaker Ponds Nature Park”

Oregon Hikers, “Whitaker Ponds Loop Hike”

Columbia River Images, “Whitaker Ponds, Portland, Oregon”

Portland Maps, “Whitaker Ponds Natural Area”

Travel Oregon, “Whitaker Ponds Nature Park”

PDX Scholar from PSU, “Whitaker Ponds Natural Area Remediation Project: A brilliant example of successful partnership, communication and realization of goals,” video of a presentation given by Laura Guderyahn and Sarah Miller at the 2022 UERC Symposium.

Portland Indian Leaders Roundtable, “Leading with Tradition” (PDF)

In-person events and talks. Includes remarks from Yoko Silk during a stewardship event on 1/28/23 and a talk on amphibians and reptiles given by Laura Guderyahn on 3/23/23.


All listed websites were accessed between 12/1/22 - 3/1/23.